dreamzens who knows how to stream and vote, i love u~ let's be besties. if ur a renchin and loves renjun you definitely have my heart. yogurt shake ftw! #bluefor7dream

hate toxic shippers. hate toxic sfs/hc akgaes. annoying & stupid 127zen/nctzen who can't mind their own business and discredit 5DREAM! SM supporters.
G-SYSTEM lunatics.

FYI: im a full dreamzen and i prioritized 7dream ONLY! i don't support the other units. i fight toxic solo stans / unit stans. i hate renjun antis the most. I HATE SM. im LOUD on twt RANTING 24/7 so beware.

if you're not a DREAMZEN and does not support them to become a normal group and let mahae work with them in all activities. sorry, we can't be friends. this acct. isn't suited for u. nct nation supporters please gtfo!!

It's not always easy, but that's life. Be strong because there are better days ahead.Lee Mark

When you have a thousand reasons to cry, then you should at least have one reason to smile.Huang Renjun

Everyone's version of their best is different. So don't ever let anyone tell you or make you feel like you're not enough.Lee Jeno

Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.Lee Haechan

Treasure yourself well, so you can spread more love to those people around you. That's why yourself always comes first.Na Jaemin

Just don't overthink too much, just live happily. This is your own life, if you're happy that's enough.Zhong Chenle

Don't smile only when you're happy, but smile to be happy.Park Jisung